Friday, October 9, 2009

Titties & Chilis

This is our dear friend Saul, the Crimson rumped toucanet.

Last night we ate at Las Gemelitas( the little she twins) again.
It was their 15th birthday. The other kids chased them into the street and pelted them with eggs and then with flour. This is normal. Happy Birthday.

Today we got hassled by lots of gypsy hippies selling "treasures". Lizzie somehow gave this man 2 soles for winding some wire into star shaped rings that i might have worn when i was 8 or so and shopped at Claires. She regreted this as soon as he turned around. We took them off because of the bad ju-jus.

Also, I walked into a tree yesterday(there is no excuse for this, though as Lizzie kindly mentioned "dont worry, no one saw you")...I have a lump and I felt slightly concussed.

I found out that the lucky strikes I bought here that tasted sale were supposed to be smoked by June 2009. Fuck.

Now we take a 9hour night bus to Trujillo, spend the day there and then take another night bus to Lima where we can relax and reconnect with the world.

No one cares about Obama here and I dont know how to make an "at-sign" or an apostrophe. These skills will be mastered soon.

Praise Jah.

1 comment:

  1. there's a key that says alt great (or something) on the right side of the space bar. that guy, along with 2 or maybe 3 (wherever the @ sign in), gives you @. as for apostrophe, its up near the 0 somewhere. best of luck.
